Generic Blocks for Rapid Prototyping


FutureSDR misses basically all blocks at this stage. Fortunately, people started contributing some of them, including blocks to add or multiply a stream with a constant. This block was implemented in way so that it was generic over the arithmetic operation. Thinking a bit further about the concept, we realized that it can be extended to arbitrary operations, creating blocks that are generic over function closures.

Meet our new blocks: Source, FiniteSource, Apply, Combine, Split, and Filter, all of which are generic over mutable closures. This can come in handy to quickly hack something together. Let me give you some examples.


Need a constant source that produces 123 as u32?

use futuresdr::blocks::Source;

let _ = Source::new(|| 123u32);

The Source block is generic over FnMut() -> A. It recognizes the output type (in this case u32) and creates the appropriate stream output.

Need a source that iterates again and again over a range or vector?

let mut v = (0..10).cycle();
let _ = Source::new(move ||;

Notice, how this closure is mutable (i.e., has state). One could just as well create a counter or implement a signal source that keeps the current phase as state, etc.

let mut i = 0u32;
let _ = Source::new(move || { i += 1; i });

Sometimes, the function signature and, hence, the data type of the output might not be obvious. In this case, we can be more explicit:

let mut i = 0u32;
let _ = Source::new(move || -> u32 { i += 1; i });

Now, what about a finite source? One could, of course, add a Head block after the source and terminate after a given number of items. But this might not be ideal for all use cases. So we added a FiniteSource that returns Option<A> and stops once the closure returns None.

A vector source that terminates, once it outputted all items would be:

use futuresdr::blocks::FiniteSource;

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter();
let _ = FiniteSource::new(move ||;

Apply, Combine, Split

A similar concept can be realized for simple operations on streams. Need a block that constrains an f32 in an interval between -1 and 1?

use futuresdr::blocks::Apply;

let _ = Apply::new(|x: &f32| x.clamp(-1.0, 1.0));

Need a block that adds 42 to a u32 and returns the result as f32?

let _ = Apply::new(|x: &u32| *x as f32 + 42.0);

The Apply block is generic over FnMut(&A) -> B, i.e., any mutable closure that gets a reference to an item of type A in the input buffer and produces an item of type B that will be written to the output buffer.

Since input and output types can be different, we can implement a block that computes the magnitude of a complex number, for example.

let _ = Apply::new(|x: &Complex<f32>| x.norm());

Note that the closure, again, is mutable and can have state. This means, we could very easily implement an IIR filter.

let state = 0f32;
let alpha = 0.1;
let _ = Apply::new(move |x: &f32| -> f32 { state = state * alpha + (1.0 - alpha) * *x; state  } );

The Combine and Split blocks are conceptually similar, just that they are for functions with two inputs and outputs, respectively. Combine is generic over FnMut(&A, &B) -> C to implement, for example, a block that adds two streams. Split is generic over FnMut(&A) -> (B, C) to implement, for example, a block that splits a complex number in real and imaginary parts. Examples for these blocks can be found in the corresponding integration tests.


A similar concepts is used in the Filter block, which relaxes the fixed in–out relationship of the Apply block.

It is generic over FnMut(&A) -> Option<B> and allows filtering the input stream. If the closure returns Some(B), the value is written in the output buffer; if the closure returns None, nothing is written to the output buffer.

A stateless block that only copies even numbers would be:

use futuresdr::blocks::Filter;
let _ = Filter::new(|i: &u32| -> Option<u32> {
    if *i % 2 == 0 {
    } else {

A stateful block that only copies every other sample could look like this:

let mut output = false;
let _ = Filter::new(move |i: &u32| -> Option<u32> {
    output = !output;
    if output {
    } else {


I think these blocks are nice to quickly hack something together and can make up for a quite a few missing blocks. Performance-wise, there might be drawbacks. The compiler would have to be really smart to figure out that it could use SIMD instructions when adding streams, for example.

Still, we think that these blocks show the bright side of using Rust. While it would be possible to implement similar blocks in other languages and other SDR frameworks, function closures and iterators are really fun with Rust.

We hope you give them a try :-)